Regenerative Rhabilitation

Our new review article of Regenerative Rehabilitation for Stroke Recovery has been published in IJMS! Open access journal!

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This is a summary of regenerative rehabilitation research for stroke model animals. In particular, the development of non-invasive brain stimulation methods is remarkable, and verification of combined effects with cell transplantation has begun.

Rehabilitation interventions have the potential to work synergistically with transplanted and endogenous cells. We will continue to carry out further basic research and aim for clinical application.

Schematic illustration of regenerative rehabilitation for stroke recovery in an animal model.

Ito A, Kubo N, Liang N, Aoyama T, Kuroki H. Regenerative Rehabilitation for Stroke Recovery by Inducing Synergistic Effects of Cell Therapy and Neurorehabilitation on Motor Function: A Narrative Review of Pre-Clinical Studies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020; 21(9):3135.