Regenerative Rhabilitation

Combine Regenerative medicine and Rehabilitation medicine

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  • Review article “Sex considerations in Regenerative Rehabilitation strategies for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis ” published in Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering.

    Regenerative rehabilitation is a promising field that aims to harness the regenerative potential of stem cell […]

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  • Review article “Target Expansion of Therapeutic Electrophysical Stimulation – For Advancement of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration and Rehabilitation -” published in Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering.

    This report summarizes the prospects for regenerative rehabilitation for peripheral nerve injury, focusing on […]

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  • The symposium on Regenerative Rehabilitation will be held at the 7th TERMIS 2024 World Congress!

    We have organized a symposium on Regenerative Rehabilitation at the 7th TERMIS 2024 World Congress! The deadli […]

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The 10th Annual International Symposium on Regenerative Rehabilitation

Date: March 7-9, 2024

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What’s about Regenerative Rehabilitation?

Regenerative Rehabilitation is the integration of principles and approaches from rehabilitation and regenerative medicine with the ultimate goal of developing innovative and effective methods that promote the restoration of function through tissue regeneration and repair.
Reference: American Physical Therapy Association

What's about RR

About us

We are a research group impelling the regenerative rehabilitation research in Japan.


Regenerative medicine is rapidly emerging, and therefore, the development of related rehabilitation methodology is strongly needed. Even though its importance is considered, neither accumulation of fundamental knowledge nor establishment of systematic theory to implement the appropriate rehabilitation for the regenerative medicine has been underway.

Our purpose is to cure people of their difficult diseases and return them to their society, as authenticating the evidences of the regenerative medicine related rehabilitation (Regenerative Rehabilitation) so that its safeness, efficacy, and economy could be improved.

Now we make an effort on fundamental researches to apply clinical setting, and take a role in the international development of the regenerative rehabilitation as a member of the Regenerative Rehabilitation Consortium Leadership Council.

As for the domestic, we build up and develop the fundamental conception for those who need regenerative medicine through liberal discussions in various forms of meetings in accordance with energetic researchers and practitioners. We keep the liberal atmosphere that everyone there can speak up no matter what position or field you are in. We keep moving to the situation forward. To do this, we take full advantage of new approaches such as SNS to link between people, beyond the traditional boundaries. Our concept shall expand by linking those who share our foresight.

【Our missions】
● Clarifying effects of rehabilitation on tissue regeneration from molecular to individual level
● Promoting establishment of safe and effective rehabilitation protocol for patients who take regenerative
     medicine by performing translational research to apply the fundamental evidences to clinical setting
● Transmitting information of the regenerative rehabilitation to the public
● Continuing top level regenerative rehabilitation researches and contributing the development of
     this research field

If you are interested in our activities, please feel free to contact us! Our E-mail address and Facebook URL are following.

E-mail: regereha“at” (*please replace with “at” into @)

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  • Our video protocol of 3D motion analysis for the sciatic nerve injury model of rats is published in J. Vis. Exp (JoVE) !

    <span style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” data-mce-typ […]

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  • We held the 4th seminar on Regenerative Rehabilitation in Kyoto!

    We held the 4th seminar on Regenerative Rehabilitation in Kyoto on September 7th. Dr. Nick Willett gave us a t […]

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  • Analyzing locomotion of sciatic nerve injury model of rats by applying three-dimensional motion capture system.

    Three-dimensional motion analysis for comprehensive understanding of gait characteristics after sciatic nerve […]

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In order to train the researchers and clinicians to be leaders of
the next generation in the Regenerative Rehabilitation,
which is the forefront of the Rehabilitation Medicine,
we will provide members with following education.


Fundamental knowledge of the cell biology and mechanobiology.


Techniques of

Cell culture (primary cell culture, organ culture, pellet culture, micromass culture)
Animal experiment (mouse, rat, rabbit)
Histology (general staining, immunohistochemical staining)
Mechanical analysis (compression test, tension test)
Molecular biological analysis (real-time PCR, western blotting, ELISA)
Kinematical analysis (three-dimensional motion analysis)


We are recruiting students and trainees from diverse backgrounds who want careers as leaders of the next generation in the Regenerative Rehabilitation.

Potential members are required to be deemed acceptable to the Graduate program (Master’s or Doctoral) in the Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Human Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University. Besides, joining as research students (prospective students) is another possibility. Anyone who considers the graduate admission or research student, or those who are just interested, please contact us. We will advise about admission, researches, life in Japan, etc. Also, we will give a tour of our laboratory.  For more inquiries about the admission, please refer HERE.

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Regenerative Rehabilitation

Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine Kyoto University