Regenerative Rhabilitation

The 1st workshop on Regenerative Rehabilitation in Kyoto took place !

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There were wonderful lectures by great researchers and discussions among attendees. We had an exciting time! This will link to a next progress.

We are extremely grateful to Dr. Ambrosio, Dr. Takenaka, Dr. Imura, and Mr. Yamaguchi for their great lectures and we express our deep appreciation to the attendees and our staffs for their kind cooperation!

We will go to the next step!



講演してくださいましたDr. Ambrosio、竹中先生、猪村先生、山口先生に感謝するとともに、議論に加わって下さった参加者の皆様、およびスタッフ一同に御礼申し上げます。


1st workshop on RegeReha in Kyoto