Regenerative Rhabilitation

  • Review article “Sex considerations in Regenerative Rehabilitation strategies for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis ” published in Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering.

    Regenerative rehabilitation is a promising field that aims to harness the regenerative potential of stem cell […]

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  • Review article “Target Expansion of Therapeutic Electrophysical Stimulation – For Advancement of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration and Rehabilitation -” published in Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering.

    This report summarizes the prospects for regenerative rehabilitation for peripheral nerve injury, focusing on […]

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  • The symposium on Regenerative Rehabilitation will be held at the 7th TERMIS 2024 World Congress!

    We have organized a symposium on Regenerative Rehabilitation at the 7th TERMIS 2024 World Congress! The deadli […]

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  • Our new paper, “Development of a novel model for intraarticular adhesion in rat knee joint,” has been published in PLOSONE.

    In this study, we developed a novel rat model of intraarticular adhesion formation in the knee joint.It was re […]

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  • Result of the Regenerative Rehabilitation Lightning Talks Competition

    Congratulations! Graduate student Kawai won the 3rd place and Tai won the people ’s Choice Award! Competition […]

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  • Regenerative Rehabilitation Lightning Talks Competition Voting!

    The International Consortium for Regenerative Rehabilitation (ICRR), in collaboration with AR3T, invites you t […]

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